
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:The existence of the company and management in an increasingly influence social economic development and people's life, and its profit instinct is if the neglect or even infringed upon the shareholders stakeholders' legal rights and interests. Therefore need in the company business activities for a corresponding process of social responsibility, as far as possible in the pursuit of profit in the company at the same time, protecting the shareholders stakeholder interests and public interests. For our country, it is still in the regulation of the social responsibility of the company is primary stage, have more social responsibility become modern society in company's common expectations and requirements. How to work hard to perfect it and development will be improve the economic environment and promote one of challenge legal process. Through analysis of the company society responsibility in our country to improve the necessity and the present situation, and profits from the company society responsibility in the overseas experience and the regulations, suggested that our through the perfect legislation and the internal management structures, and many of the mechanism through with to achieve the regulation of corporate social responsibility. 

Key words: corporate social responsibility; necessity; insufficient regulation; legal countermeasures




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文通过分析公司社会责任在我国完善的必要性及现状,并借鉴公司社会责任在国外的经验和规定,建议我国通过完善公司法立法和公司内部治理结构,以及通过多方机制的配合来实现......
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