
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-04
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关键字: 快递企业  竞争激烈  营销策略  营销发展   借鉴


Abstract:The 21st century the information high speed development which brings facing the economical globalization,the physical distribution industry grows strong unceasingly, in which express enterprise like mushroom growth, the competition is also increasingly fierce. The express enterprise wants the survival, the marketing is its road which must be taken, but the present express enterprise is generally adopts the traditional marketing or is the low efficiency marketing.

   How improves the express enterprise the marketing strategy, the display marketing brings the recent development way in the express enterprise's function for the enterprise as well as develops the recent development domain is the urgent question which Our country Express Enterprise faces.

   This article through the analysis existing express enterprise's marketing strategy, enhances strong points and avoid weaknesses, profits from the foreign enterprise as well as Our country Enterprise outstanding marketing strategy plans for Our country Express Enterprise's marketing development.

Key words: Express enterprise ; Competitive; Marketing strategy ;Marketing development; Model




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:我国快递企业应加强对市场营销这一方面的控制与管理,树立快递企业品牌,运用各种适应企业发展的营销策略积极开拓快递市场,创新营销使我国快递企业的营销独树一帜,占据我国......
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