
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-04
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Abstract:Yixing is China's" Tao", the most famous is the teapot, Yixing purple sand pot because of exquisite style, can make the tea flavor is sweet, maintaining the temperature effect, loved and sought after by many collectors. Yixing purple sand pot has a long history, in Yixing's development process plays a very important role, along with the deepening of reform and opening up and the continuous development of market economy, Yixing purple sand pot is faced with again to span the development of type, to the economy of Yixing has provided very big impetus. However, due to various reasons the impact, Yixing purple sand pot development is still in business management, industry development, there are some problems, Yixing must accelerate the internal improvements, the industry is adjusted, so as to promote the further development of industry in purple sand pot. This article from the perspective of the development of purple sand pot, in-depth analysis of Yixing purple sand pot in Yixing development and its role in the development of social economy, and adopting SWOT analysis method of Yixing purple sand pot industry analysis, find out the main existing problems and shortcomings, and make recommendations for improvement measures, improve the Yixing purple sand pot industry development.

Keyword:Teapot teapot; industry; SWOT analysis; Yixing 





上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:以宜兴紫砂壶市场的发展为研究对象,一方面,深入分析紫砂壶产业的发展现状以及其对宜兴社会经济发展的重要作用;另一方面,本文采用swot分析法开展了对于宜兴紫砂壶产业的分析......
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