
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-04
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关键词:绩效考核 绩效考核标准 关键绩效指标


ABSTRACT:The competitiveness of enterprises is a competition of talents.In order to win in the fierce market competition.Power enterprises need to improve their business management level,firmly grasp of human resource management and establish a scientific and effective performance evaluation system.

  This article mainly takes Tian Fu power supply company as an example,in reviewing the performance appraisal and well-known theories, based on the rich supply company on the day of performance appraisal situation to explore and analyze the problems and causes of the problems,and has redesigned its performance evaluation system with BSC and KPI on the basis of performance appraisal theory and analysis of Tian Fu power supply company’s performance management status.According to Tian Fu power supply company's overall strategic objectives and electricity production and operation of the main features, has brought forward perfect index system, way improving assessment criteria; The quantization degree qualitative index the method adopt sciences resolved is checked is insufficient, bad problem of operation. Finally,this article proposed the supporting measure for performance appraisal management system.

Keywords:Performance evaluation;Performance appraisal standards;Key Process Indication


上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:根据天富供电公司的整体战略目标和电力企业生产经营的主要特色,构建科学完整的绩效考核指标,设置公平合理性绩效考核标准,解决该公司绩效考核过程中定性指标考核量化程度不......
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