
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-04
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关键词:人力资本 投资开发 管理思想


ABSTRACT:With the development of social economy, the market development, enterprise's development can not rely on cheap products, scientific and technological innovation has been the subject of today's enterprise development, and scientific and technological innovation is the theme of the people, human capital development has become the mainstream of enterprise economic development research.This article through to enterprise data collection, questionnaire survey, know the current enterprise human capital development present situation and main problems of the content. Through the analysis of the data, but now most of the enterprise does not pay attention to the development of human capital, the development of human capital investment is less, there is no systematic development system, the enterprise's own human capital management thought is old, has not adapt to today's enterprise development needs.Therefore, the enterprise should pay attention to the development of human capital, increasing investment in human capital, update of management system and thoughts.

   This paper mainly divided into three parts, the first part is the introduction, the main research selected topic background, research status at home and abroad, research purpose and significance and research ideas; The second part of today's enterprise paper expounds the problems existing in the development of human capital; The third part for this paper, through analysis of the problems existing in the enterprise human capital development, put forward the ways and means to improve the level of enterprise human capital.

Keywords:The human capital;Investment and development;Management thinking


上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文通过对企业进行资料数据收集,问卷调查,知道现今企业人力资本开发的现状及存在的主要问题的内容。经过对资料的分析,现今的大部分企业不注重人力资本的开发,对人力资本......
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