
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-04
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关键词:战略资源   用人机制     相关措施


ABSTRACT:With the development of market economy and the growing trend of economic globalization, talent has become a modern enterprises to participate in market competition, the core strategic resource. The development of modern enterprises, not only has more than enough talent enough, scientific and reasonable employment mechanism is the enterprises to participate in market competition will be a top priority. In such a competitive market environment, many enterprises employing mechanisms exist many defects and deficiencies, which severely restricted the development of enterprises. Therefore, more and more companies are realizing scientific and reasonable mechanism employing a key role for the enterprise, only to establish a scientific and reasonable employment mechanism, so that enterprises in the talent competition in an invincible position.

    This article on China Intellectual Property Corporation of the Spirit for the study, the company is a private enterprise based IP services. By month internship at the company, I understand the company's staffing and operation of the company, the company's understanding of mechanisms have a certain understanding. In this paper, through the Spirit of intellectual property in China employing mechanism to analyze the situation, summed up with regard to small and medium enterprises in the employment system problems, and proposed the establishment of the scientific enterprise employing mechanisms related measures.

Keywords:management system;employment mechanism;cronyism;scientific management


上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文就以华灵知识产权公司为研究对象,该公司是一家以知识产权服务为主的民营企业。通过在该公司一个月的实习,我了解了该公司的人员配置情况,以及公司运营情况,对于公司的......
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