
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-25
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关键词:民间融资 中小企业民间融资 民间融资监管


Abstract: Recently, as a result of lack of essential regulation and instruction, during its process of development, private finance has influenced the implementation effect and micro-control of financing policies to some extent. Meanwhile, there is a lack of control in private finance size, and is likely to have great impact on the normal finance order. In addition, the interest rate of private finance is usually high and this could put the creditors under great pressure. Finally, lack of supervision and high-level of risk has impacted economic and social stability. The limitation of medium and small enterprises, the existing weaknesses in the current financing institutions and the imperfect of the credit guarantee system, along with defects in capital market structure should account for the above problems to improve the above situation, small and medium enterprises should facilitate its financing conditions. Firstly, relevant departments should introduce regulations and principles on private finance and an Industry self-regulation organization should be established.  At the same time, the government should encourage the formal finance institutions of financial services innovation. Secondly, the government should establish and strengthen mechanism of regulatory constraints to regularize private finance procedures and to severely crack down on illegal financing. Finally, open market interest rate and optimize the allocation of the resources.

Keywords: private finance, private finance for medium and small enterprises, private finance regulation


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:国家相关部门也应当出台民间融资的相关法律法规,成立和完善行业自律组织,引导民间融资走上正常的运行轨道,通过行政和法律手段使民间借贷逐步规范化, 为中小企业创造更好的融......
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