
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我不是叫兽 更新时间:2014-03-15
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关键词:企业; 内部; 危机; 原因; 策略


Abstract:With the development of economy, the enterprise surface faces environment more and more complex, more and more enterprises have to face the crisis. Recently years, the enterprise not only have to deal with a series of crisis enterprise external, along with the enterprise scale continuous development, enterprise's internal crisis also emerge in endlessly. This article through studies the enterprise internal crisis causes and its harmfulness enterprise explore coping, and internal crisis strategy, hoping to provide help to the sound development of enterprises.

Key words: Enpertrice; internal; crisis; reason; strategy



上传会员 我不是叫兽 对本文的描述:本文通过研究企业内部危机的原因,企业内部危机扩散的三种可能性,应对企业内部危机我们应当采取的策略这三个方面。根据企业内部危机的一些特性,总结出了一套处理企业内部危......
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