
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-20
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关键词:物流园区  选址评价  层次分析法


Abstract: With the continuous development of the global economy, logistics in social development occupies an important position, the construction of the logistics park is considered to be a breakthrough to promote the development of modern logistics, but also an important factor for regional economic development. The location is the logistics park planning is a basic and important basic link. In this paper, a comprehensive site selection of Logistics Park as a research topic, based on a lot of reading relevant literature data, the introduction of the theory and methods of related disciplines, the actual situation of the topics on the logistics park site selection analysis and research. 

Keywords: Logistics Park; Site selection evaluation; Analytic hierarchy process

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:目前,对物流设施或交通设施的选址应用主要有重心法、模糊评价法、层次分析法等。在物流园区的选址评价上,大多先确定物流园区选址的原则,然后运用现代物流及城市规划原理,......
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