
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-20
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摘要: 目前,存在不少电商为在市场格局中占有重要一席,选择忽视道德底线、违背企业伦理的恶性竞争手段。而没有企业道德底线、违背正常的市场伦理的电商竞争,只会产生一系列恶性反应,更无法以此达到电商拓宽生存空间之目的。恶性竞争一旦成为习惯人们必会漠视社会道德和企业伦理,国内电子商务经营秩序极可能陷于一片混乱。本文旨在从企业伦理的角度,研究如何构建电商竞争优势 ,并从企业伦理角度提出了构建电商竞争优势的具体措施。

关键词: 企业伦理  电商  竞争优势


Abstract:  At present, there are many electricity providers in the market structure occupies an important seat, chose to ignore the moral bottom line, contrary to business ethics means of vicious competition. Without the bottom line of corporate ethics, contrary to normal market ethics electricity supplier competition, will only produce a series of vicious reaction, but can not be used to achieve the power to broaden the purpose of living space. Vicious competition to become the customary people will ignore the social ethics and corporate ethics, domestic e-commerce order of operation is likely to be caught in chaos. This paper aims to study how to build electricity supplier a competitive advantage from the point of view of business ethics, and proposed specific measures to build competitive advantage from the perspective of business ethics.

Keywords:  Competitive Advantage; Business Ethics ; Electricity Supplier

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:本文在较为系统的盘点电商发展状况、存在问题及问题成因后,从企业伦理的角度研究构建电商竞争优势,以期电商行业的结构调整和升级能逐级推进......
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