
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-23
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Abstract:Third-party payment platform Alipay cooperation with Tianhong Monetary Fund to open Yu'ebao features direct Monetary Fund - Increased Liberty, Paypal customers get great recognition.Yu'ebao as a new model of internet financial services have raised funds over ten billion yuan in the time scale of less than a month ,aroused great interest and discussion of financial markets.Yu'ebao launched to further promote the reform of the financial market in China and the pace of innovation, accelerate the process of marketization of interest rates, the influence on the development of our country commercial bank revelation is significant.Mainly around the main problems of commercial Banks, this paper analysisYu'ebao several reasons to be successful, integration Yu'ebao main influence to the development of commercial Banks and eventually in the customer service, technology application and the interest rate risk control puts forward some Suggestions on the development of China's commercial Banks. 

Key words:Yu'ebao;Increased Liberty;Commercial Banks;The Internet Finance;Marketization of Interest rates

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:受体制影响,我国商业银行存贷款利率仍没有完全放开,存款利率不高在一定程度上为许多新型金融创新产品提供了发展壮大的机会。面对金融市场日益激烈的竞争,商业银行不仅要认......
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