
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-23
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关键词:国债期货 套期保值 套期保值比率 OLS模型 ECM模型


Abstract: At present, as our country's interest rates gradually move in market, the risks of interest rate fluctuations faced by market participants to is unprecedented. Treasury futures, as the most basic, one of the most widely used interest rate futures; perfectly complement to market participants cannot start the risk aversion mechanism caused by the shortage appropriate interest rate futures in our country. The introduction of treasury futures provides the market participants, particularly large financial institutions an effective hedging tool to protect their financial security. In this paper, combine the methods of theoretical research and empirical analysis, use literature information and measurement software to have a detailed study for the relevant factors of the , such as: hedging theory , the relevant principles of treasury bond futures hedging , options for futures contracts and hedge ratios, etc. Since the development of China's financial futures market is still in its infancy, one of the most basic functions of financial futures - the use of hedging is still not mature. In this paper, use the re- return treasury futures in Sept. 6, 2013 as the example to do the research, it has a certain guiding significance for market participants to understand the theory and practice of hedging theory in the futures market.

Key words: Treasury future  hedging  hedging ratio  OLS model  ECM model

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:我国利率市场化程度也在不断加深。利率市场化是指金融机构在货币市场经营融资的利率水平。它是由市场供求来决定,包括利率决定、利率传导、利率结构和利率管理的市场化。从我......
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