
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:海尔 国际化 核心竞争力


Abstract: As the leader of Chinese household electrical appliance industry, Haier group has attracted attention from all walks of life because of its rapid growth, especially the steady international business strategy in the global area. Through which people have a new understanding of China enterprises to show the world the culture and core value of Chinese enterprises. This paper is reported mainly from the point of Haier group's core competitiveness, combined with the recent transnational development. The main purpose is to analyze the influence of core competitiveness on the internationalization strategy, and discuss how to successfully upgrade the upstream industry chain in the increasingly intense international competition environment, then to create brand of ourselves.

Key word: Haier  international  core competitiveness

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:本文研究海尔集团的现状及经营管理战略,并结合相比较研究核心竞争力与其全球扩张之间的关系。希望能够提升海尔集团国际化战略的状况使其在未来获得更好的发展,也希望能够给......
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