
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:花旗银行 中国本土化 战略分析


Abstract: citigroup is the most widely business scope, in the world's most influential international bank, citibank banking internationalization development goal is a global financial services, the development mode and the management concept and advanced technology management experience and failure lessons worthy of our learning and thinking. This article first from citi bank in our country development present situation and trend analysis, found that open to the world in the Chinese market at the same time, not only for China's banking industry has brought the huge challenge, at the same time for citi, with its strong strength and rich market experience, brought their favorable market opportunities. In addition, citigroup localization in the process of transformation in China, also faces the problems of the talent management and customer relationship management (CRM). To this, this article through to citi talent management strategy, service strategy and international marketing strategy is analyzed, and finally on how to improve localization strategies from citibank China make up the shortfall, develop rural financial market and strengthen the cooperation with Chinese Banks three aspects put forward the countermeasures. 

Keywords: citi bank  Chinese localization  strategic analysis

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:我们对外资银行在中国的经营现状以及进入我国金融市场的动因进行分析,并从中资银行是如何看待外资银行进入中国金融市场的角度提出意见,针对外资银行进行中国本土化战略的转......
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