
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:创业企业 有效性 印证


Abstract: As the dwindling of China's exports, social and economic pressure increase, the ascension of human capital leads to the competitive advantage of reducing. However, the country's strong support, the stock market business opening of the plates, and so on a series of measures did not cause the vigorous development of the business enterprise, three years of a barrier, rare surviving enterprises, red star group as a leading domestic private enterprises, its branch of the new red star home products are electronic commerce co., LTD. Is a wholly owned subsidiary of independent, by the east China regional managers became the general manager in the new company. At the same time, the electronic commerce as a sunrise industry and emerging industry is rapidly developing, this topic can watch with red star home products will this business that enterprise will face the problems and solutions, difference as a big company, a subsidiary of has a high starting point, and also have limits, to see the problem of venture enterprises, improve the survival of venture enterprises.

Key words: pioneering enterprise  effectiveness  confirm

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:创业企业的资源分配取决于企业的内部和外部条件和资源分配策略,企业管理环境更好的机会越多,资源配置相对也比较容易。内部条件越好的力量越强,企业进行资源配置也将是更好的,整......
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