
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-22
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关键词:干扰管理 配送成本 行车路线偏离 客户满意度


ABSTRACT: Logistics distribution plan is directly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the logistics enterprise's basic business, logistics distribution process, in reality, however, due to the uncertainty of customer side affects normal distribution events often occur, this paper is to clients in logistics distribution vehicle scheduling time window and the combination of the service address change the case of interference, interference through the establishment of management model, to solve the interference event occurs quickly generate minimize the system disturbance and adjustment scheme of the lowest cost.

   Interference based on vehicle scheduling management on the basis of analyzing the research status at home and abroad, the research object to determine the time window for the customer and the service address changes in the management of logistics distribution vehicle scheduling interference. First of all, to study the interference of vehicle scheduling management theory how to timely handle interference factors in the guiding role of the bad influence of logistics distribution, through disturbance measurement analysis methods to analyze the customer satisfaction degree, the path of logistics costs and the impact on the logistics distribution, the disturbance measure has the measure of fuzziness is obtained at the same time, discreteness and diversity, etc. Second, constructs the customer time window and service address change management model of logistics distribution vehicle scheduling interference. Finally, combining with an example of the constructed model has carried on the instance analysis, obtained the customer satisfaction is high, the small path deviation, low shipping costs of the new plan.

    Research work of this paper to take the path deviation, customer satisfaction and delivery costs, on the basis of interests in many aspects, the timely and effective production for the time window of the vehicle and the service address change time to deal with two kinds of interference, customer service of the traditional optimization method only consider cost and customer satisfaction and minimize the single object path deviation rate is not guaranteed, raised the question feasibility and practicability of the scheme.

Keywords:Interfere with the management ; Distribution costs ; The route deviation ;  Customer satisfaction

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:在影响物流配送的不确定因素中,有一部分是客户的原因。既配送车辆根据配送中心的计划为客户服务的时候,客户突然提出提前或延迟交货、或更改交货地址,这些都属干扰因素。干扰......
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