
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-22
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关键词:物流配送 配送路线 等待时间 节约里程法


ABSTRACT: In today's highly competitive market, Logistics distribution becomes an important measure to improve the market competitive. How to reduce the distribution costs, how to improve vehicle utilization in the distribution, they all becomes an value topic of discussion.

   Based on distribution, which value-added services current situation provided by the A company. Point out the shortage of delivery route set in distribution process. According to this problem, i’d like to analyze the logistics distribution vehicle routing problems(VRP) based on customer satisfaction. And build the vehicle window function model, using the mileage-saving method listed the basic concepts of vehicle distribution route, and concludes the most satisfactory solution.

Key words: Logistics distribution;distribution route;waiting time;C-W

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:本文通过以A公司作为研究对象。由于A公司不是专业的物流公司,仅在物流配送这一环节来说,其专业性不够,特别是在配送路线的制定方面。从而造成公司在配送方面存在许多不合理的......
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