
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-22
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摘要: 汽车供应物流循环取货是汽车物流系统中最为复杂的一部分,降低汽车零部件供应物流的成本,可以有效降低整条汽车产业链的总成本。循环取货的过程关键在于车辆路径优化,但是取货中车辆受到取货运力受扰不能继续执行取货任务,从而严重干扰原计划的进行,需要用到干扰管理的思想来解决该问题。



关键词:汽车供应物流  循环取货  干扰管理  运力受扰


ABSTRACT: Automobile inbound logistics which use milk-run is the most complicated part of automobile logistics system. Reduce the cost of automobile’ part inbound logistics can effectively reduce the total cost of the whole automobile industry chain. The key of the milk-run process is vehicle routing optimization. There is a problem of the capacity disturbance in milk-run that makes original plan interrupt. Disruption management theory can effectively solve the problem.

   This paper is on the basis of deep analysis of researching milk-run and disruption management. The subject is vehicle scheduling disruption management problem of milk-run for automobile inbound logistics with capacity disturbance. First, explaining the theory of automobile inbound logistics, milk-run and disruption management. Second, Structure a disruption management model that is under the condition of capacity disturbance in the milk-run. And then use C-W algorithm to solve the model. Finally, combine with an example to analyze the problem.

   This paper which is on the basis of a original plan define the capacity disturbance. Combine with recovery strategy and characteristics of the disruption management. Use the theory of disruption management to solve the vehicle scheduling disruption management problem with capacity disturbance

Keywords:automobile inbound logistics;milk-run;disruption management;capacity disturbance

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:本文研究的内容就是基于车辆机械故障,交通阻塞,天气条件等运力受扰,导致事先制订好的计划受到影响,甚至变得不可行。这就需要快速实时地生成新的调整方案,使得整个系统受......
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