
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-22
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关键词:管理体系  整体  系统  车辆


ABSTRACT: System refers to a certain range or similar things according to certain order and internal connection and an integral. System is a system composed of different system, It’s a system of some things or some consciousness linked a specific functions of an organic whole. Vehicle management system based on system of each module making strategic objectives, work principle, work flow, the organizational structure, responsibilities, the department management system and the effective planning, organization, management and control of each module

   This paper takes a Shenzhen logistics company as the research object, the company is the third party logistics company of a professional. It listed in 2012, vehicle logistics company in variety, own, link, outside the vehicle management needs better management. Variety of vehicle, driver management is a logistics carrier work can not be ignored..This paper based on the actual situation of the vehicle management of A logistics company, discussion and Research on the existing problems of the company, in order to find a breakthrough and improvement.

Keywords:Vehicle managerial system;Entirety;System;Vehicle

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:我国现有的物流企业大都存在着在物流设施多,但利用水平低的问题。如:高效专用车辆较少,车辆以中型汽油车为主,能耗大,效率低,并且管理混乱,没有具体的标准体系来进行监......
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