
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-24
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关键词:RFID技术 库存管理 电子标签


ABSTRACT:This paper first introduces the concept of RFID technology, including the development of RFID technology after the system, working principle and characteristics. And then on the background of G company are introduced, the existing inventory management company were analyzed, also describes the main flow of traditional inventory management problems, understanding before the use of RFID technology of the problems encountered.

 Based on the existing inventory management status of G Company as the background, introduces the application of RFID technology in inventory management advantage. Inventory management system of RFID technology is analog design, combined with RFID technology and bar code technology, inventory management system of RFID storage, inventory, warehousing main process to do a detailed analysis based on the design of the warehouse, storage process. And analyzes the significance of RFID technology used in the problems in inventory management and RFID technology in the management of warehouse.

Keywords: RFID Technology;Inventory Management;Electronic tag

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:库存管理在整个供应链环节中起着至关重要的作用,对整个物流有着很大的影响。目前的库存管理仅仅靠人工记忆、手工操作作业以及电脑半自动化管理实现。这个就需要投入大量人力......
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