
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-24
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摘要:随着电子商务和物流的迅速发展,网上购物便逐渐成为人们消费的一种趋势,而其中的商品配送环节却是制约电子商务发展的重要因素之一。 如何解决配送环节中遇到的问题,降低物流成本,受到了发展电子商务企业的特别关注。



关键词:物流配送 车辆路径优化 节约里程法


ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of e-commerce and logistics,online shopping has gradually become a trend of people's consumption, one of the most important factors is the commodity distribution which restricts the development of electronic commerce. How to solve the problem of distribution, reduce logistics costs, has received special attention from the development of e-commerce enterprises.

   To reduce the distribution cost, bring benefit to the development of electronic commerce enterprise,it is particularly important for vehicle routing optimization of enterprise distribution center. By optimizing the vehicle routing in distribution center, beneficial to reduce logistics costs, improve customer satisfaction, to promote the further development of the enterprise electronic commerce.

   This paper aims to SN e-commerce distribution center as an example, the saving algorithm, the SN enterprise e-commerce distribution service for vehicle routing optimization, so as to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the distribution center.

Keywords: logistics and distribution ;Vehicle routing optimization;Saving mileage

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:本文首先介绍了论文选题的目的及意义,并介绍了车辆路径问题的国内外研究现状,接着介绍了配送中的车辆路径问题概要,然后对节约里程法的选择进行了分析,最后对SN电子商务配送......
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