
资料分类:教学研究 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-23
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  本文介绍了数值计算方法的某些知识在实际问题中的应用,主要围绕曲线拟合法,插值法 。首先,数值计算中的拟合在实际问题中起着重要的作用,主要解决的是平均收入与风险偏好度和人寿保险金额之间关系的问题。其次,理解插值法的定义,解决高处的大气压强。财务会计中,运用数值计算中的插值法计算求大气压强、实际利率、期收益率和赎回收益率,进行实例分析联系生活。

关键词: 散点图; 曲线拟合; 插值法


Abstract:Numerical methods as an important part of mathematics, more widely applied in life, the same is also playing an increasingly wide range of usefulness.

  This article describes some of the numerical method knowledge in practical problems, mainly around the Curve fitting, Interpolation method.

  First, fitting the numerical calculation in the practical issues play an important role, mainly to solve the question of the relationship between average income and risk preference and life insurance amount. Second, understanding the definition of the interpolation to solve the height of the atmospheric pressure. Financial accounting the use of numerical calculation of the interpolation method atmospheric pressure, real interest rates of yields and redemption yields instantiated analysis of contact life.

Keywords: Scatter; Curve fitting; Interpolation

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:本文的重心是基于对问题模型和数值方法的探讨和分析,加以实例辅助突出其应用性。我们不仅仅要学好理论知识,应用理论来实践才是重中之重。学好数值计算,为解决实际生活问题......
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