
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-09
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关键词 花卉;产业;出口;对策


Abstract:Flower industry,a sunrise industry,has maintained good, the rapid development trend. The development of flower industry in Yunnan Province has the inherent advantages of climate resources, germplasm resources that the other regions can not compare. At the same time, it also has some comparative advantages in the labor costs and land costs. However, the development of flower industry in Yunnan Province still subjects to a late start from a low base "bottlenecks".All aspects of the industrial system, such as the market, science and technology, human resources, logistics exist problems. To this end, the study was to investigate the development of the flower export industry in Yunnan Province very typically. The study was to investigate the flower industry in Yunnan Province.Firstly, collect data to understand the Current Situation of flower industry at domestic and international markets.Secondly, review scholars research results, according to the development status and export situation of the flower industry in Yunnan Province, summarize the advantages and problems of Yunnan in the flower industry export. Finally, on this basis, the flower export industry in Yunnan Province, targeted response: to enhance the quality of flowers, improve production methods, the implementation of talent to strengthen its strategic development of modern flower logistics. It could further develop the flower industry in Yunnan Province and promote economic development.

Keywords  Export Flowers Industry Strategies






上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:云南发展花卉产业是效益与风险并存,其发展每一步都需要做好充分的调查研究,以市场为导向,做出正确的判断及选择。本文通过对国内外花卉产业发展趋势对比分析及云南省花卉出......
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