
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-13
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ABSTRACT:China is a large agricultural country, rural financial development has always been a hot research topic and focus. This thesis mainly for China's rural financial market research, put forward through the rural financial market innovation as a tool to promote the viability of  development. Through appropriate means, rational approach, starting from a multilevel aspects, to extract the different parts of rural financial markets exist in common. After the policy, institutional, system, tools and other multilevel dig out the current status of the rural financial market presence of various deficiencies. Study found that although in recent years, China's increased investment for rural and backward financial markets or can not meet the needs of rural areas at present. Among them, the farmer's own property restrictions, coupled with rural financial institutions for neglected rural financial sector makes the lack of financial products and services. In addition the government's work on financial regulatory policy is not in place, the absence of financial intermediation, financial payment and means of circulation lag, now common in rural financial markets has led to chaos. For these problems, the adoption of financial innovation in this way, to develop a market for innovative rural financial rules and regulations, improve the rural financial capital chain, introduced to the agriculture industry and rest rules of this particular new financial products and services, strengthen market supervision and management, strengthen the government's guidance and support in which the role of other methods. This article mainly through rural financial innovation for the difficulties encountered in conducting research for China's rural financial market of innovative proposals to promote the development of rural financial markets.

Keywords: Rural Finance;Financial market;Financial repression;Financial innovation





上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文主要通过对于我国农村金融市场研究,提出通过农村金融市场创新这一手段来促进其发展的可行性。通过合适的手段,合理的方法,从多层次各方面入手,提炼出我国各地不同的农......
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