
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-13
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ABSTRACT:With global warming, the world's ecological environment deteriorating, the development of low-carbon economy has become the trend of the times, in this context, as the core of the financial sector of the national economy , we must actively explore a new model of economic growth. In 2005, the Kyoto Protocol came into effect ,which is aimed at reducing carbon emissions to protect human from the threat of climate warming, it contributed to the invisible carbon trading market .in recent years, The green credit, carbon finance as the representative of the green finance also emerge as the times require. However, green finance is still a new thing in China, and its development is also in the low-level stage, which is extremely inconsistent with China's largest international carbon emissions Seller status. Therefore, under the background of the low-carbon economy , China's commercial Banks business innovation study not only has profound theoretical significance, but also has important practical significance. The relationship between low-carbon economy and commercial banks are complementary to each other, Commercial banks provide financial help for the development of low- carbon economy, and the development of low-carbon economy promotes the business innovation of commercial banks. This article points out some problems existing in the operation and management of commercial banks in china, And elaborates the positive role that the development of low-carbon economy plays in promoting the research on management innovation of Chinese commercial banks .Low-carbon economy promotes the innovation and breakthrough of China's commercial banks in the aspects of risk management system, business development model, financial product development and so on, enhances the comprehensive competitiveness of commercial banks, and promotes the comprehensive and sustainable development of commercial banks in the context of low-carbon economy booming.

Keywords: Low-carbon Economy; Green Finance; Carbon Finance; Green Credit; Commercial Banks; Management Innovations










上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文中指出了我国商业银行在经营管理中存在的一些问题,并详细阐述了发展低碳经济在促进我国商业银行经营创新研究方面所发挥的积极作用,低碳经济推动我国商业银行在风险管理......
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