
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-13
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ABSTRACT:In the 21st century, China’s commercial banks have been expanding, the competition between the various banks are increasingly intensified , but the state-owned commercial banks still occupy the dominant position of the whole banking sector. Security of its development, both essential to the sustainability of bank profits own development, but also relates to whether the country’s economy healthy. The profits of state-owned commercial banks mainly from their interest-earning assets. And the current credit risk faced by banks is various. The most important is the structural credit risk, and thus optimize the credit structure adjustment loan risk management is an important aspect of the development by the credit risk of structured credit. Derivatives precautions guarantee banks to maintain credit business profits of the fundamental. In this paper, state-owned commercial bank’s credit structure and risk prevention is the main line., according to the annual report data for analysis. This article focuses on the state-controlled commercial bank’s credit structure facing the term structure is irrational, such as too focused on industry input distribution, unreasonable geographical distribution and many other issues. As imperfect credit structure, will lead to credit risk, resulting in noneconomic situation, and actively adjust credit structure, to adopt appropriate measures for the prevention and control of credit risk occurs. The industrial structure and the release of local financing pressure strengthen the state-owned commercial bank’s internal risk management and other aspects of credit risk control measures.

Keywords: bank; credit structure; credit risk; risk control measures





上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文将以国有控股商业银行的信贷结构及风险防控为主线,根据各大国有控股商业银行的年度报表数据进行分析,主要解决目前我国国有控股商业银行的基本信贷结构特征、衍生出的信......
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