
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-07
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摘要:纺织品是我国传统的出口优势产品,目前我国只是世界纺织品生产大国,并不是世界纺织品贸易强国。2005年1月1日以后全球纺织品进入后配额时代,欧盟取消配额,我国输欧纺织品数量开始大幅增长。但随着金融危机以及欧洲债务的扩散,欧盟不断以绿色壁垒、技术壁垒、反倾销和知识产权保护等非关税壁垒措施来对我国的纺织品进行打压,中欧的纺织品贸易摩擦不断升级。本文阐述了中欧纺织品贸易摩擦的现状,同时提出中国纺织品企业应加快科技创新和产业升级,创新品牌, 开辟海外生产基地,加强知识产权保护,提升产品的环保标准。



Abstract : textile is our traditional advantage of export products. After our country is joining WTO, textiles import and export trade development is rapid. But China is the world's largest producer of textiles, and not the world textile trade power. In January 1, 2005, the global textile entered the post-quota era, the abolition of quota, China textiles exported to Europe expansion. But with the financial crisis and the European debt diffusion, the EU continue to green barriers, technical barriers, anti-dumping and intellectual property protection measures of non-tariff barriers to China's textiles were suppressed, China-EU textile trade friction and constantly upgrade. This paper expounds the China-EU textile trade friction status, put forward at the same time Chinese textile enterprises should accelerate the technological innovation and industrial upgrading, innovative brand, to open up overseas production base, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, enhance product environmental standards.

Key words: China-EU; textile ;trade friction;countermeasure




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文阐述了中欧纺织品贸易摩擦的现状,同时提出中国纺织品企业应加快科技创新和产业升级,创新品牌, 开辟海外生产基地,加强知识产权保护,提升产品的环保标准。......
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