
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-07
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关键词:中小企业;财务管理; 管理方法


Abstract: Small and medium enterprises in the development process of socialist market economy, plays an increasingly important role, its unique mode of operation and flexible production mode of economic development and social stability play a decisive role. But because of the economic environment and enterprise oneself reason, small and medium-sized enterprise financial management exists a lot of problems. This article from our country small and medium-sized enterprise present situation, based on modern financial management, through the analysis, looking for the financial management of small and medium enterprises aspects, so as to explore the development of small and middle-sized enterprises financial management, improve financial management mechanism, in order to promote the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Keywords: Small and medium-sized enterprises ,financial management,management method




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文从我国中小企业现状出发,以现代财务管理为依据,通过分析,寻找中小企业财务管理方面的问题,从而探讨适合中小企业自身发展的财务管理方法,完善财务管理机制,以促进中......
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