
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-10
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摘要:本田公司创立于1946年, 英文缩写HONDA。1981年本田公司在中国以提供摩托车技术为开端,初次建立起了同中国的合作。1992年建立了合资企业,进一步推动了这种合作关系。比1981年增长了10倍,零部件的国产化率迅速提高。1994年建立了小型发电机合资企业,1998年成立广汽本田,本文主要介绍本田汽车在中国的战略方针,即介绍1998年中日合资成立的广汽本田的战略方针,本文将会为大家详细的介绍本田如何实行量少而精,本土化,采取独特的营销模式的三个战略方针,以及之后面对危机采取的战略调整,并且会对三个战略方针的利弊进行详细的分析,最后总结出本田公司在华战略方针值得借鉴的地方。

关键词  本田公司;战略方针;量少而精;本土化;营销模式


Abstract:Honda was founded in 1946, HONDA abbreviations. Honda in China was to start supplying motorcycle technology since 1981, for the first time set up cooperation with China. Then in 1992 set up a joint venture, which further promoted the cooperation relationship. From now on the HONDA has increased by 10 times more than in 1981 and there is a sharp increase for the parts localization rate. Small generator joint venture was built in 1994, guangzhou Honda was established in 1998, this paper mainly introduces the strategy of Honda in China, namely the introduction in 1998 of a joint venture guangqi Honda's strategy, This article will detail Honda for everybody how to practice the quantity fewer but better, localization, take the unique marketing model of the three strategic guidelines, and after the adjustment strategy, in the face of crisis and the pros and cons of the three strategy carries on the detailed analysis, finally summarizes the Honda place strategy we should use for reference in China.

Keywords  Honda company  Strategy  fewer but better  localization  Marketing model







上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:研究分析本田在华的三个战略方针以及出现危机时的战略调整,并且当危机出现时本田公司采取的战略调整。其中三个战略方针分别有量少而精,逐步实现本土化和独特的营销模式,当......
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