
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-10
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关键词 比较优势理论  旅游竞争力  旅游服务贸易


Abstract:In today's society, economic growth around the world lead industry upgrading, the structure of industry of the world's centre of gravity for services. The pattern of international trade has also changed accordingly, is given priority to with goods trade to service trade is given priority to, the international tourism service trade in international trade in services, the share of more and more big.

   As one of the eight ancient capital of seven dynasties in China and, kaifeng has certain popularity across the country. At present, kaifeng's tourism industry after years of development, has begun to take shape. Tourism, however, the benefits to its fame and size does not fit.

   Based on the field investigation and historical data and related access to relevant data, to combine the actual situation of kaifeng tourism trade industry development research association between international tourism and international trade, and kaifeng tourism development process in recent years, analysis how to use the development of international tourism to promote the growth of international trade, through the international tourism on the analysis of the great promoting effect of international trade, so as to better grasp the pulse of the national economy and trends.

Keywords  Comparative advantage theory  Tourism competitiveness  Tourism service trade






上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本文是立足于对开封市的旅游业近年来的数据研究,探讨国际旅游与国际贸易之间的关系:国际旅游对国际贸易的促进作用有多大;它们之间的关系是如何相互促进,相互影响的。......
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