
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:量化宽松 经济影响分析 外汇储备 通货膨胀 资产泡沫


ABSTRACT:America's growth in the first half of 2012 show a weak signal, the fed is most concerned about two major indicators of inflation and employment data showed. In order to continue to continue to stimulate the economy, starting on September 15, 2012, the federal reserve launched further quantitative easing (QE3). Again as our country is in economic growth is slowing and the critical period of economic transition, as the world's first economic power and international reserve currencies, the implementation of an unconventional quantitative easing monetary policy, must through the interest rate and exchange rate fluctuations, impact and import and export trade, international capital flow to the monetary policy effects spill over into economic ties with the countries, affect the world economy. The United States in order to relieve their stress, the input inflation around the world, will lead to capital inflows in some countries, these countries to bring appreciation pressure. The United States is China's important trading partners, and China holds a large number of dollars of foreign exchange reserves. Study the possible impact of quantitative easing monetary policy in the United States, so as to take effective measures to cope with the situation, is of great significance to maintain the steady economic development of our country. In the face of international hot money inflows and trade balance could cause imbalances and global inflation, we must take effective measures to cope with the challenges. Against an asset bubble.QE3 this article mainly discussed the implementation of the background, impact in our country, especially the economic influence and should adopt the strategy of our country. 

key words:quantitative easing ;Economic impact analysis; inflation;Asset bubbles


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:国为了缓解本国的压力,对全世界输入通胀,将导致热钱流入一些国家,给这些国家带来升值压力。美国是中国的重要贸易合作伙伴,且中国持有大量美元外汇储备。研究美国的量化宽松货......
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