
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:重庆对外贸易 摩托车产业 重庆摩托车对外贸易


ABSTRACT:Chongqing City is the country's major industrial production base. Chongqing motorcycle industry is strong support for mechanical and electrical products, is a pillar industry in Chongqing, With Chongqing motorcycle export trade is growing, which has made important contributions to Chongqing's foreign trade for the entire development . Several major motorcycle brands such as Loncin, Lifan, construction, Jialing, Zongshen has been a household name in the country, they have a good industrial base and improve the supporting facilities for the development of motorcycle industry to provide technical support. Constitute the main force of Chongqing motorcycle Foreign Trade. With Chongqing "inland processing trade" development, as well as the motorcycle industry trade environment changes, it is necessary to carry out analysis of Chongqing motorcycle industry trade to advance its development of healthy and sustainable development. This issue through Chongqing motorcycle industry development status of foreign trade combing inductive Chongqing motorcycle industry foreign trade problems and their causes, and Zongshen Group as a case, try to seek to improve the Chongqing motorcycle industry trade countermeasures.

Keywords:Chongqing Foreign Trade; motorcycle industry;Chongqing motorcycle Foreign Trad


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本课题通过对重庆摩托车产业对外贸易发展现状的梳理,归纳重庆摩托车产业对外贸易存在的问题及其原因,并以宗申集团为案例,尝试探讨改善重庆摩托车产业外贸的对策。......
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