
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:欧债危机 对欧出口贸易 影响


ABSTRACT:EU has been China's largest trading partner, which occupies an important position in China's foreign trade market. Debt crisis has spread from peripheral countries to the core countries and become badly worse starting with its beginning. It also has led to so many problems such as:downturn development of the entire country's economic in Europe, a weak euro, rising unemployment, reduced purchasing power and other issues, which is making the country's economic growth in Europe weaker and weaker, eroding the fragile recovery in the world economy. It means affection and change for inside or in other countries of the euro area or region, negative phenomena of economic development in Europe also must has influence on China's export trade to Europe. With the further deepening of the European debt crisis, the situation of China's exports trade to Europe is even grimmer. In view of the important position of European market of China's export trade, and the severity of the debt crisis, we must understand the issues related to the European debt crisis and take measures to mitigate the European sovereign debt crisis as soon as possible to mitigate the impact on China's economy.

Keyword: European debt crisis; Export trade to EU; Influence


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:鉴于欧洲市场在中国对外出口贸易中的重要地位,以及欧债危机的严重性,我们必须深入理解欧债危机的相关问题,并尽早设定应对措施,以减缓欧洲主权债务危机对我国经济的冲击。......
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