
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:独立董事  独立性  作用机制  问题  完善措施


ABSTRACT:In recent years, the independent directors of listed corporate governance issues become a hot research topic, many scholars from a theoretical and empirical perspective of its research. Independent director system has been widely implemented in China's listed companies, whose main goal is to improve our corporate governance structure, the controlling shareholder of supervision and internal control people.

   This paper aims to study the role of independent directors of listed companies, from conceptual understanding of independent directors, independent directors to the independence of research, understand the factors that affect the independence of independent directors, which leads to the role of independent directors, From the basic mechanisms of action to the independent directors of listed companies in China's unique role in order to investigate the mechanism of independent directors. This article pointed out the problems of independent directors, independent directors from their independence, to the external environment on the impact of independent directors, ownership concentration on the impact of independent directors and independent directors sources, These factors have caused the independent directors did not really play well to their duties, there is no safeguard shareholders, especially minority shareholders' legal interests. Finally, on the basis of the issues raised, and to identify concrete measures to solve the problem, making the independent directors of listed company to better fulfill its functions, thereby improving the governance of listed companies in China.

Key words:  independent directors; independence; mechanism of action; issues; adequate measures


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文中指出了独立董事存在的问题,从独立董事本身的独立性问题,到外部环境对独立董事的影响、股权集中对独立董事造成的影响以及独立董事的来源,这些因素都造成了独立董事没......
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