
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-02
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关键词:电子商务   中小企业   盈利模式


Abstract:After entering the 21st century, with the maturing of the Internet technology, along with the economic globalization, information modernization and the further development of the liberalization of trade, electronic commerce has been widely used in social and economic fields, has gradually become a new mode of merchants engaged in commercial activities. E-commerce has been acknowledged as the new direction of the pattern of the 21st century the world economy, e-commerce has become an important force of economic development in China. The total has more than 46 million, become big relying on the development of the enterprise, is the main body of market development. Small and medium-sized enterprises in developing both open source and throttling, after weighing the costs and effects, especially after the financial crisis hit, e-commerce has become the lifeline of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the research of small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out the general content of electronic business profit model, the introduction of small and medium-sized enterprises to develop e-commerce profit pattern of development and its application in the practice of foreign development demonstration in small and medium-sized enterprises in our country electronic commerce development the necessity and urgency of profit model, combining with the status quo of China's small and medium-sized enterprises to develop e-commerce mode profits especially the successful experience of small and medium-sized enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises in our country to carry out electronic business profit model for the future development trends, research and development of small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out the difficulties and problems in the electronic business profit model, emphatically pointed out that in our country economic system transition and the new economy under the condition of rapid rise, small and medium-sized enterprises in our country to carry out electronic business profit model existence question, proposed our country small and medium-sized enterprises to develop electronic business profit model of the development of countermeasures and Suggestions. 

Keywords: E-commerce ;SMEs ;profit model


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:论证在我国中小企业开展电子商务盈利模式发展的必要性和紧迫性,结合我国中小企业开展电子商务盈利模式的现状尤其是中小企业的成功经验、我国中小企业开展电子商务盈利模式未......
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