
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-02
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关键词:都市丽人  现状分析  营销策略  发展


Abstract:As people increasingly open thinking, the level of consumption has gradually increased, people dress on the pursuit of beauty begins from outside to inside, underwear rapid increase in consumer demand, and the quality of the underwear, fashion, comfort, have higher requirements.

   Cos mo Lady was established in 1998, at 10 years of development history has been showing vigorous gesture, from the birthplace of Shenzhen started, gradually terminal stores 160 cities across the country. Thanks to the rapid development of the brand throughout China's underwear market growth, quality affordable products and the rapid expansion of channels.But for the brand in the direction of the future. Urban women are no longer faced with the problem of how to start, but how to build a great and enduring enterprise. In view of this, this paper focuses At present, China's underwear market, the overall situation, combined with the urban beauty brand's 10 years of operation and the current status of its sales, market competitiveness and the brand SWOT model analysis of existing marketing strategies to analyze the problems of their suggestions. Hoping to promote the development of urban women Industries Limited and win more market share.

Keywords: Cos-mo lady;status analysis;marketing strategy;develop


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:本论文主要针对目前我国内衣市场的整体情况,结合都市丽人品牌的十多年的经营情况和目前的现状,就其销售情况、市场竞争力和该品牌的SWOT模型分析,对现有的营销策略进行分析,......
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