
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:C2C电子商务    信用问题    信用体系


Abstract:As C2C e-business market develops, C2C e-business credit problem more and more get the attention of the majority of Internet users. In this paper, through the research C2C e-business problems existed in the credit was analyzed on the basis of C2C e-business the causes of the credit problems, and put forward improving C2C e-business credit status countermeasures. Research shows that the seller and buyer dishonest, trading platform admittance threshold low and credit evaluation system is currently loopholes in the main existing C2C e-business credit problems, e-commerce laws and regulations and the credit system is not perfect is generated C2C e-business credit the question primary cause. Honesty education, improve and increase the seller admittance threshold, perfect the e-commerce laws, regulations and credit system is to improve the C2C e-business credit status effective methods. 

Key words: C2C e-business  Credit problems  Credit system

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:国内外许多学者对此问题进行了大量的研究。美国的Efraim Turban 等人建立了消费者网上购物的信任模型,认为网上信任可以通过网络商家的可信性、网络商店媒介的可信性以及背景因素施......
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