
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-28
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Abstract:The growing student population,maks the contemporary consumer gro-ups in an extremely important part. With the further deepening reform and opening up the economy continues to develop,students are quietly consumer behavior is changing, as t-he family, school, businessissues of common concern. And this same time, college stude-nts have their own unique lifestyle and habits, theirconsumption behavior that had a grea-ter impact on the business analysis of consumer behavior for college students put forwar-d higher requirements. Therefore, the lifestyle of college students to investigate and stud-y of college studentsout of the characteristics of the consumer to become the face of thi-s consumer group is the first to complete the task.

    This contemporary college students as the research object, the use of questionnair-es, data analysis, research and some other ways,through their lifestyle and life habits ofanalysis and research to find out the student population and trend of developmentspendi-ng, combined with the consumer Psychology, consumer behavior and marketingknowled-ge of some of its analysis, make appropriate recommendations for enterprisesto enable e-nterprises to consumer groups for college students in the future, the sales activities in m-ore specific and unique, to achieve better Economic benefits.

Keywords:college students、Lifestyle、Consumer  behavior、Business   thin-king

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:消费行为是指消费者为获取、使用和处置消费物品或服务所采取的各种行动,包括先于且决定这些行动的决策过程。消费行为是与服务或产品的交换紧密地联系在一起的。消费行为是消......
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