
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:外商直接投资  经济发展   FDI利用率


ABSTRACT:In the 35 years after reforming and opening, China’s economic has developed rapidly. It is related to the FDI, when FDI appears, China has gained a lot of developing chances of economic. But there also comes some threatens and problems to our economic.

This paper is mainly based on the growth of economic, we can know how to accelerate the economic with FDI by analysing FDI, the current situation and boundedness of China’s economic development, ways of development, the use and efficiency of FDI.This paper is centered on the FDI’s influence for economic, first analysis the signification of FDI to find out its characteristic. Then analysis some studies on this topic in and abroad to get the contribution of it. Also we get know how it contribute to the economic development.By China statistical yearbook data empirically the factors of absorbing foreign direct investment in our country, explores the ways of the foreign direct investment in China and the way of economic development, at the same time, through this analysis to our country to absorb foreign direct investment can provide some reference experience and countermeasures.

Keywords:foreign direct investment;China's economic development;FDI utilization rate

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:它的途径主要来自两个方面,一是国内的自主研发和创新,二是技术获取以及转移,即是通过引进国外先进技术、吸收FDI、并购掌握核心技术的海外知名企业等等。改革开放之后,福建......
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