
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:欧债危机  重庆  外贸出口  


ABSTRACT:European debt crisis has brought us a huge impact on the global economy. With the European debt crisis, which spread from Greece to Italy、Spain and other country, has engulfed the whole euro zone. Chongqing’s economy is also deeply affected by this global economic turmoil. Especially, in the export aspect, is a big negative impact on us. By analyzing the current situation and the causes of the European debt crisis, We are aware of the crisis on Chongqing's exports is mainly reflected in the export volume of Chongqing、the Export trade Competitiveness of Chongqing、the export trade environment of Chongqing、The impact of major industries in Chongqing, etc. Therefore, To promote transformation and upgrading of foreign trade and exports、focusing on the settlement of monetary、 exchange risks、expand domestic demand and promote economic growth、diversification of product mix、improve the “Auto” industrial technical content,、efforts to support high-tech industries and other aspects of countermeasures.

   So, let Chongqing in the next face of the economic crisis, to less affected, to achieve rapid and healthy development of our economy in Chongqing.

Keyword:European debt crisis;Chongqing;foreign trade and exports

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:本文以重庆为研究对象,借助国际贸易、产业经济学等学科的相关理论与实践,通过对欧洲主权债务危机与重庆外贸出口之间的联系规律;欧洲主权债务危机对重庆外贸出口现实的影响......
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