
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:经济全球化  汽车行业  海外市场 


ABSTRACT:Chinese auto industry internationalization development has become an inevitable trend in the current context of economic globalization .However, through the booming automobile industry representation, we can see Chinese international automobile market share is still very low behind the rapid development .So, it is necessary for automotive companies to expand overseas markets.

   Chinese enterprises have already experienced several years of overseas market development. They have exported more than 190 countries and begun to have certain influence on some countries. However, we still face many problems. For example, the Chinese automobile enterprises overseas operations lack a unified strategic planning, independent research and development capabilities and experience of international operations. A variety of factors have contributed to the international market for Chinese cars "low, times, and poor "bad impression. Moreover, China's auto industry overseas market expansion of the road will face many challenges, regulatory barriers and the gradual loss of labor cost advantage, corporate cultural differences. Enterprises should pay attention to these problems.

   This paper full analyses the overseas market development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenge on the base of reviewing a large number of the literature. And then make strategic analysis for a useful reference.

Keywords: Economic globalization;automotive industry;overseas market

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:从目前看来,我国汽车企业发展普遍重视短期利益,而由此忽略了企业海外发展的长期利益。企业没有明确的目标和战略规划,海外市场进一步拓展的难度大大增加。而当下我国汽车行......
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