
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词: 直接投资 钓鱼岛事件 公平竞争


ABSTRACT:Affected by the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake,Coupled with the impact of the Diaoyu Islands territorial dispute,Japan's economic and industrial environment has undergone profound changes.In this context, Japan's industrial transfer and foreign direct investment has quietly emerged some new features.

   Firstly, the Japanese direct investment in China's historical development and current status of Japan's direct investment in China analysis through comparison with other countries, Japan's investment in China obtained the status. Secondly, the focus of Japanese investment in China as well as the characteristics of Japan's direct investment in China. Finally, by analyzing Japan's investment in new developments, suggesting that Japanese direct investment in China's development trend. Thus on how to deal with Japan's investment of the new situation, the country should be how to deal with constructive suggestions.

   With China's economic development in recent years, as well as appreciation of the renminbi, social security reform, universal labor contract system and other factors, China's comparative advantage in labor costs being tended to disappear. Against this background, a few Japanese companies began to retreat, and some companies even transferred to Vietnam and other countries. Japan's investment in the face of new developments, we need to properly treat and handle the evacuation and relocation of Japanese companies. Therefore, China needs to further improve the investment environment, the Japanese business to seriously address the practical difficulties.

Keywords:Direct Investment;Diaoyu Island incident;Fair competition

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:本课题主要日本在华直接投资现状、特征及趋势进行分析,从日本在华直接投资的历史发展、现状、及发展趋势三方面,通过投资发生的转变和新趋势所产生的问题,提出相应的建议政......
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