
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-19
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关键词 数码用品;网络营销;营销策略研究;网店


Abstract: In today’s rapid development of information technology, electronic commerce run under the economic background, more and more people choose to start, but most of them have established their own online shop. In order to understand network marketing strategy of the small and medium-sized business electronic mall shops, this paper analyzed the network marketing strategy analysis and market competition on T-mall mall is a privately operated small shop --a digital goods shop called Gravity. 

   First of all, the study is from the existing literature study of existing theories at home. Then from the same industry competitors and consumers perspective, the study explores the reasons affect digital mall kind of online competitive analysis. This paper analyzed the digital supplies shop operating their strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats facing the external environment. Finally, through the analysis of network marketing strategy of the digital product online shop, understanding and analysis of each strategy effects and problems, so that what marketing strategy provides new ideas for the shop marketing means. This paper makes the gravity digital products online talent showing itself in the same industry competition. At the same time, I hope that through the study on a digital product online shop called Gravity can give the corresponding class of shop of actual operation has a good reference and reference.

Keyword  Digital products  Network marketing  Marketing strategy  On-line shop

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:本论文旨在发现对网店竞争力促进明显的网络营销战略,为地心引力数码用品网店营销手段创新提供了全新的思路,丰富已有的实证案例的分析研究,与此同时能为相关联的私营网店的......
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