
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-19
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关键词  品牌营销;房地产;策略研究


Abstract: In recent years, the development of China's real estate market is very rapid, competition intensified, after the price competition, quality competition stage of China's real estate enterprises have gradually entered the era of brand competition, the future real estate market competition in the spread between a few outstanding brand. Although China has many real estate enterprises brand marketing as strategy development and seek the long-term interests of the strategy, and has started to create corporate brand, but the understanding and use of brand real estate enterprises is still not mature, many enterprises even entered the brand marketing mistakes, but our country small and medium-sized real estate enterprises due to the limited conditions, the brand marketing is more difficult.

    This paper is based on Country Garden real estate enterprises as the research object, first summarizes the research status of domestic and foreign scholars on the enterprise brand marketing, and through sorting and collecting literature, understanding of the relevant theory of brand and brand marketing, then through the expert visits, market research, interviews, and combined with the company's internal information and I am in Garden Country real estate enterprises work experience, a comprehensive analysis of Garden Country the status of enterprises, brand marketing existence question, and by SWOT analysis of Garden Country brand marketing market environment, puts forward some brand marketing strategies, including a clear brand positioning, increase brand awareness, improve brand management and promoting the value of brand strategy, in order to provide valuable references for Garden Country brand marketing.

Keywords  Brand marketing  Real estate  Strategy research

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:在房地产行业表现为激烈的品牌竞争的今天,有许多房地产企业却对品牌营销认识模糊。对于开发能力不强、实力不济的中小房地产企业而言,竞争和挑战更为残酷,品牌营销的重要性......
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