
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-07
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Abstract:Global financial crisis deteriorated asset market around world。China's asset market has also been adjusted dramatically. The macroeconomy index reported recently showed an implication of recovery. However, this profound recession hasn't disappeared at all, it is still influencing development of China asset market  within all kinds of aspects. In this paper, the background of the financial crisis era, the current real estate status quo and policy analysis which, respectively, from the government level and corporate level attaches great importance to the strategic position of the Chinese real estate, multi-channel to raise funds for construction, cut off the local governmentthe chain of interest and other countermeasures. 

Key Words: Financial crisis after age, Real estate, Countermeasures

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:北岩银行遭受挤兑,英国政府立即进行干预措施;德国两家银行面临倒闭,政府也采取干预措施;爱尔兰政府还为银行提供担保等等。因此,伴随着政府的过度救助,其后这几年,部分......
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