
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-07
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关键词: 家具出口 ,出口竞争力,自主创新,产业优化升级


Abstract:Guangdong province is the largest province of China's foreign trade, in which foreign trade volume has exceeded many countries and regions in the world. Among the export trade in Guangdong Province, the imports and exports of furniture has occupied a large proportion, especially in Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City, which the total export of furniture have a large share in Guangdong Province, even the whole China. Affected by the aftermath of the financial tsunami, the weak external demand, small margins, RMB appreciation, rising prices of raw materials and labor costs, trade barriers, increasing competition on industry and other negative factors, the situation of the  furniture export in Dalingshan Town is still dangerous after breaking through the ice-breaking event in 2009, as if treading on thin ice. Based on the analysis of the difficulties and challenges what the furniture industry in Dalingshan Town is faced, this article puts forward the idea that all positive factors should be fully mobilized and paying intense attention on the self-dependent innovation, accelerating the upgrade and optimizing of the industry, creating international brand, innovating marketing model so as to strengthen the international competitiveness of furniture export in Dalingshan Town and lead the trade to a steady and healthy development.

Key Words: Furniture exports, Export competitiveness, Independent innovation, Industrial upgrading

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:深入分析这几年广东省大岭山镇家具出口发展遇到的困难,找出应对措施,将有利于积累后危机时代家具出口贸易的发展经验,扬长避短,提高商品出口竞争力,形成竞争优势,更好地......
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