
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-08
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关键词: “碳关税”,机电产品,出口,对策


Abstract:After the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, climate change, low carbon economy, has increasingly become the consensus of the international community. In this context, the United States led the developed countries impose carbon tariffs in the form of seeking to change the current global warming and emissions issues. Carbon tariffs, if implemented, will be led by China on the exports of developing countries constitutes a serious challenge. As our country the first kind of export commodities, carbon tariffs levy of our country will cause serious impact of the mechanical and electronic products. 

   This paper in carbon tariffs origin and nature, and on the basis of analysis of carbon tariffs may to China and mechanical and electrical products export influence, and finally in carbon tariffs has become the general trend, put forward that innovation technology, adjust the industrial structure, the development of new energy development countermeasures, such as, mechanical and electrical products in China to enhance the level of future economic trade.

Key Words:Carbon tariff, Electromechanical Products, Export, Countermeasure

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:所谓“碳关税”,是指对高耗能的产品进口征收特别的二氧化碳排放关税。主要是针对进口产品中的碳排放密集型产品,如铝、钢铁、水泥、玻璃制品等产品而进行的关税税收。发达国......
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