
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-08
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关键词: 人民币升值,农产品,出口贸易, 贸易逆差


Abstract:The exchange rate of the yuan appreciation to our country product trade influence is very big, especially the exchange rate of the yuan in the future one period of time of the rise, and the various products of guangdong province of import and export brings great influence. And the product is China's basic export products, exports also dominated the main position of the guangdong province, in the national production produce a great effect. This paper mainly studies the appreciation of the renminbi in the agricultural product export trade of guangdong, the effects of the main in the appreciation of RMB reduce the export trade of agricultural products, reducing the cost of agricultural products and prices and affected the agricultural products of surplus and deficit these problems do research, and then some Suggestions to deal with the RMB exchange rate appreciation to agricultural products in guangdong risk strategy.

Key Words:RMB appreciation, agricultural products, export trade, Trade deficit

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:从宏观的角度来看,在长期的一段时间里,对广东农产品的出口贸易影响不会非常大,正是因为农产品在长期里的价格需求弹性是比较小的;其次是由于农产品是生活必需品,农业在广东......
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