
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-13
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关键字: 绿色营销环境 家电市场 海尔的绿色营销策略 


Abstract:The arrival of the environmental century make major changes in people's consumption concepts, they consider the factors such as environmental protection, energy saving when they are shopping, green marketing arises. The 21st century will be a green century, make oneself of the product as soon as possible "greening" can gain the initiative in market competition. In our country, green marketing as a new method of appliance enterprises to improve market competitiveness by more and more attention. Vision as the leader of the home appliance enterprise, Haier realized that this trend will bring significant changes, it layout of "green products, green enterprises, green culture" brand strategy system. But how to successfully implement green marketing strategy, make the green demand of consumers into the reality of the benefit, Haier is worth thinking about. This article through to the Haier enterprise implementation of green marketing environment factor analysis and Haier's analysis of green marketing practice in recent years, trying to explore the restricting factors for the development of green marketing, Haier and find the corresponding solution.

Keywords:Green marketing environment  Appliance market  Green marketing strategy of Haier

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:海尔以“绿色产品、绿色企业、绿色文化”为企业的经营战略,希望将绿色理念深入到企业发展战略和企业文化中,致力于推出环保、节能的绿色家电,同时注重绿色制造,为全球消费......
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