
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-13
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关键词:上海东方艺术中心 市场定位 营销策略 建议


Abstract: Shanghai Oriental Art Center built by Shanghai Municipal Government and the Pu dong New Area government, costing over 10million RMB, is the second comprehensive theater. In the past 9 years, SHOAC have made a series of achievements, while it’s difficult to avoid some problems.

  Combining SHOAC’s won situation and its environment through SWOT analysis, STP analysis, the paper got its strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities and draw a rough positioning. The conclusion is that AHOAC, as a comprehensive theater, famous for symphony, provide for audience to enjoy high art and have a certain social responsibilities. Then get a deeper understanding of the operations through 7P analysis. Finally, tentatively put forward some suggestions. 

  Nowadays, as one of the important part of cultural performing arts industry, theater is a symbol of urban culture, we must take it seriously for its successful operation would promote the development of cultural industries in Shanghai.

Keywords: Shanghai Oriental Art Center  positioning  marketing strategy recommendations

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:这些地方的剧院有以下共同点:建筑物力求标新立异,气势磅礴,设备均采用国际领先标准,硬件甚至与欧美的发达国家新建剧院不相上下。作为亦步亦趋地向国际化大都市,国际文化......
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